In this blog section, we post a selection of guides, case studies and articles on security and the industry. We like these to be as informative as possible and based on real-world experience from our time in the field working on security and CCTV.
If you are thinking of investing in a system for your home or business it can be interesting to learn about the subject, we have a vast amount of knowledge from years in the field working with everyone from blue chip clients to private domestic residence.
ccasionally you may find that your CCTV system has gone offline, this is usually caused by a disruption in the connectivity between the CCTV recorder, the router and the internet. Read about How to fix offline CCTV.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
We explain why most CCTV systems won't reliably capture number plates and what you can do about it. Read about CCTV and Number Plates.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
If you find you are logged out of Hik-Connect and you can't remember your password, don't worry its easy to reset. Read about resetting your Hik-Connect account.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
We examine the causes of faults and interference on video signals in the field. Read about fault finding video interference.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
There are many brands of CCTV on the market, Hikvision is one of the many brands we work with while designing the appropriate class of security system for any given application. Read about why we use Hikvision products.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
In this post we explain how to set up the Pyronix range of cameras. Read about setting up a Pyronix WiFi camera.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.
The differences between IP cctv and "conventional" or analogue HD CCTV. Read about analogue or IP CCTV.
Post updated by Rhys Griffiths.